Wow what a Day it blew my mind literally. Cobia Catch
We started out at 4.45 from home and headed for the boat ramp. Everything was packed and we were ready for a great day on the water. Seabreeze had predicted really flat seas , well they were not that great but they were not real bad either, just a little sloppy with winds coming from the north.
We got to one spot that our Daughters boyfriend had suggested we try. We rigged up and started fishing. Boyfriend brought in a beautiful Cobia about 1 metre in length it was a good size. I was really excited after that , meanwhile ,I still hadn't pulled one in. Hubby lost a beauty, it snapped his 50 pound braid and 100 pound trace. Poor Hubby, well we won't talk about that. We kept doing drifts . We didn't anchor because our anchor as we found out, kept dragging, so with the anchor not working as we had hoped, we decided drifting was the best option.
Boats around us were pulling them in like I don't know what. What were they using and how come they were pulling them in I thought???
We decided we had ,had enough of that when it went quite, so we headed for my special spot.
Now on the way out in 80-90m depth , warren noticed that the instruments weren't working on the dash. We still had electricals but the fuel gauge went and some other things. He said if he was to turn the motor off it may not start again if its the fuses. Well guess what he turned it off and then we had no motor.
Shit , Shit and double shit, what started off as such a beautiful day was slowly turning to shit.
Nobody said a word to the capitaaaaaaan except for stupid me offering some pathetic advice i knew nothing about. I was quickly told to zip it, so like any normal person i decided there was only 1 thing I could do and that was to bait up. I then got told your not fishing. He is such a spoil sport at times. hahahhahahah. Is it true that the captain can give you a divorce on the high seas???
Anyway after looking over the manual and putting another fuse in we were off again and the senator was once again smiling.
We got to my special spot finally and we worked a drift like you have never seen before. Captain was pulling purly's, wrasse, Daughter and Boyfriend was pulling pig fish and pearly's. Surprisingly I wasn't going that well but I didn't care i was at sea and very happy.
You won't believe what happened next. I was bottom bashing and felt something heavy and thought I am just going to finish this smoke off before I bother pulling up. It is along way up from 100m depth you know. I finished the smoke , got up on my feet and started reeling. Next thing my rod bent over so far and I was in for the fight of my life. I had no clue what I had on the end of my line but it was so bloody big and I thought that there was no way in hell that I was going to lose these fish. I had to have someone stand behind me just so I didn't go overboard. I said don't let me go just stay and hold me tight.
For 15 mins I fought this monster ,bringing it up from about 102 metres at this stage was bloody hard work. Close to the surface ,when it came towards the boat , the blokes and daughter said oh shit its really big and its a cobia. I said whattttttttttttttt.. I was still fighting this bloody monster when it took off at high speed again and was taking line like you wouldn't believe even when my drag was on strike. I gave it some and started reeling it back it. This monster did this three times to me. The blokes said if you want a rest we will help you. I couldn't even talk I was so buggered, legs were shaking, arms were burning and wrists were paining ,but I wouldn't give way to this fish, it was coming in our boat and it didn't have a choice. My daughter was so encouraging and kept me going she said " Mum keep going , its only this far to go, keep going Mum." It helps when you feel you can't spend anymore energy to have someone rooting for you like that. Thanks Darlin for your words of encouragement, I needed them real bad.
Battle of wills between fisherman and the fish and thats what it really was.
Finally and thank god because I nearly ran out of energy altogether , hubby gaffed my cobia and dragged him over the side into our boat. I nearly collapsed on top of it. I couldn't believe the size.
It was 1.30 metres long and weighed in at about 30lb , but our scales were a bit dicky it also said 17kg on the scales. It was a whopper and one fight I will never forget for the rest of my life.
Today my arms are so sore I can hardly hold them up but its a great feeling . I am the happiest fisherwoman ever. Thanks for a great day once again Capittaaaan.