Wow what a Day it blew my mind literally. Cobia Catch

We started out at 4.45 from home and headed for the boat ramp. Everything was packed and we were ready for a great day on the water. Seabreeze had predicted really flat seas , well they were not that great but they were not real bad either, just a little sloppy with winds coming from the north. We got to one spot that our Daughters boyfriend had suggested we try. We rigged up and started fishing. Boyfriend brought in a beautiful Cobia about 1 metre in length it was a good size. I was really excited after that , meanwhile ,I still hadn't pulled one in. Hubby lost a beauty, it snapped his 50 pound braid and 100 pound trace. Poor Hubby, well we won't talk about that. We kept doing drifts . We didn't anchor because our anchor as we found out, kept dragging, so with the anchor not working as we had hoped, we decided drifting was the best option. Boats around us were pulling them in like I don't know what. What were they using and how come they were pulling them in I though...